- McDonald's -

meat analogs fine

Posted by: Mike Sprout ( Vegetarian conservative, Canada ) on November 08, 1997 at 22:28:24:

In Reply to: Where is that Justin Poor guy? posted by Miika on November 08, 1997 at 00:09:37:

For your information, textured vegetable protein and soybean products are among the healthiest items one could eat. The are certainly much healthier than beef. Why take such a negative view of those who would choose to eat them? Meat analogs offer a healthy, quick, conveniant alternative to meat. If they encourage more people to switch to vegatarianism, so much the better.

How can something made entirley from plants be as close to you can get to meat without syaing the diry word? People who make ridiculous statements like that give all vegetarians a bad name. It's no wonder many in the mainstream regard us as a bunch of nuts.

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