- McDonald's -

Seen the light

Posted by: Mike Bacon, a mid-cities net surfer ( Bedford, Tx, USA ) on August 23, 1997 at 20:54:21:

I have seen the light. The recent recall of ground beef from Burger King, Wal-Mart, and others because of E-coli and the diagnosis of mad cow disease of an English woman who hadn't eaten meat in years have totally changed my mind. Not only am I giving up McDonalds and all other junk food restaurants, I am becomming a strict vegan. I had a salad today (for the first time in ages), not a typical fast food offering of a few forkfulls of lettuce with a single tomatoe and cucumber slice, but a huge bowl of many differant vegatbles bought at a local farmer's market. I couldn't believe how satisfying the varied colors, flavours, and textures were. No more Big Macs for me - I can't believe I ever liked them in the first place. Thankyou to all McSpotlight contributers for trying to educate the likes of me. It took a while, but now I'm one of you!

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