- McDonald's -

You've eaten there for 23 years...and you're fully ignorant

Posted by: Professor Booty ( USA ) on July 15, 1997 at 11:22:01:

In Reply to: I've eaten there for 23 years...I'm still here. posted by Mike Bacon on July 08, 1997 at 23:42:57:

: You're actually safer with than without the chemicals.

WHAT?!!! I'll buy into the argument that chemicals help preserve
foods or ward off pests, but "You're actually safer with them???!!"

That is one of the all-time most ignorant statements you've made
on this board, and I can see you've made your share.

Chemicals and pesticides have been linked to cancer cases, and
even deaths. But since you're not only a happy meat consumer,
but a happy chemical consumer as well, you'll be delighted to
know that your meat has higher concentrations of pesticides in
it from the animal absorbing it from the pesticide-laden foods
it ate. Have a nice dinner. Some Black Flag to wash down
that burger??

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