- McDonald's -

Not all food they sell is fattening.

Posted by: Mike Bacon ( Bedford, Texas, USA ) on June 02, 1997 at 04:05:47:

In Reply to: Fast food posted by Tammy and Jessica on June 01, 1997 at 01:41:49:

I don't think the major fast food chains get enough credit for the
non-fattening food they sell. All three restaurants offer different
types of salads, and Wendy's has a salad bar. They offer other low-fat
alternatives as well. If you don't want a burger and fries today, get
a salad or a grilled chicken sandwich with a Diet Coke, or unsweetened
iced tea. And if you get a craving for a burger later in the week, go
ahead and splurge! Get that Big Mac or Double Whopper with bacon and
cheese, and "fries with that, sir"! It won't hurt you if you don't
overdo it!


McSpotlight comment:

Many McDonald's outlets do not provide salads at all.

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