- McDonald's -

news article about it on Mcspotlight

Posted by: Keith ( none, UK ) on January 09, 1998 at 01:17:54:

In Reply to: You are all silly posted by Joey Stalin on January 07, 1998 at 14:14:32:

: Is McMunchies the name of the store? Or is that just what she calls it, like a nick name? If that were the name of the store, I can understand why McDonald's would go after her. The Mc prefix, when used in conjunction with food, just reminds me too much of the huge multinational that we know and love. If It were McDonald's Hardware or something, then It would be rediculous for them to claim copyright infringment.

Yes, that was the name of the sandwich shop, but I don't believe peopel would seriously confuse a sandwich shop with a burger outlet. There's a news article about it on Mcspotlight, if you want all the details.

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