- McDonald's -

Holy hamburger Batman, intelligent life found at McSpotlight!

Posted by: Mike Sprout ( Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Earth ) on November 29, 1997 at 22:08:52:

In Reply to: Breaking the Cycle posted by Joe on November 28, 1997 at 21:13:33:

> Truth cannot be debated...points of view can...the facts speak for
> themselves...

Well said. Finally an intelligant post here. I don't know about the corporate greed part though, they're only supplying what a lot of people want. I'd blame it on the individuals who have freely chosen to live a destructive lifestyle. It's sad whats being done to kids too young to make an informed decision on diet. But blame the parents (McMom are you listening?), not the retaurants. As we have seen with the tenative introduction of healthier product at some restaurants (maybe McD's will wake up someday), they'll meet the demands of the market (Aint capitalism great!)

By the way, I think I remember Mike Bacon saying he would look up "Diet for a New America" some time ago. I wonder if he has yet? If he's sick of Alanis and Jewel, I'd suggest he grab a couple of discs by The Tragically Hip.

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