- McDonald's -

All part of the balance

Posted by: Mike Bacon ( Bedford, TX, USA ) on July 15, 1997 at 21:25:33:

In Reply to: Eating like Americans did in 1955 posted by Green Giant on July 15, 1997 at 11:23:13:

: Perhaps what they want is VEGETARIAN FOOD. More and more of us are
: becoming vegetarians, while those who aren't keep dropping from
: heart attacks.

: At least Taco Bell has bean burritos and tostadas, and there's
: veggie sandwiches at Subway, not to mention tastier fare at local
: Italian, Indian, Mexican, and health restaurants.

: It's no wonder McDonald's isn't doing well. A good number of us
: aren't eating like Americans did in 1955, and that's a matter
: of enlightenment on our part!

Yes that does sound good. You gave me a good idea for lunch today. I
think I'll head to the local Subway after I get out of the shower.
Don't worry, meat lovers! I haven't abandoned you! But vegetables are
part of the balance. Just don't go too heavy on the beans(You know why!).

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