- McDonald's -

Taco Bell Rules -- NOT!!

Posted by: Ramon ( U.S.A. ) on July 27, 1997 at 12:45:01:

In Reply to: Taco Bell Rules posted by Chris Gleason on July 26, 1997 at 13:38:40:

: I can't beleive you people can eat Mcdonald's food! It is the worst tasting food around and their burgers AREN'T 100 ALL BEEF! Thats the name of the company that makes those worm burgers. Taco Bell rules!!!! Its cheaper and you get free refills on your soft drinks. You don't get a 5 dollar watered down coca cola. At taco bell you get as much Pepsi or Dr Pepper as you want! And it tastes like real pop. Ok! What would you rather have? An 8 dollar scalding hot apple pie or a bag of cinamon twists that taste good for only 99 cents. TACO BELL!!!!!

Ive worked at both McDs and Taco Bell and i can tell you i cant believe taco bell is still in business. Someone will get e-coli from them soon enough. and im not sure what mcds you go to but everyone ive been in you can get free refills on your pop. Taco bell may be cheaper but i would rather spend a few cents more for some real meat not some dehydrated shit that has been steamed back to life.
enjoy your tacos and cinnamin twists.

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