- McDonald's -

To state the bleeding obvious

Posted by: Miika ( Griffith University, Australia ) on November 11, 1997 at 11:48:15:

In Reply to: tofu is natural posted by Mike Sprout on November 10, 1997 at 11:55:27:

: Why is tofu any more unnatural than an apple? Do you know where soy comes from? Soy beans are one of the most nutritional items available. Perhaps you should visit a library before you post.

Actually, I've just started studying for my dietetics degree, before you write me off as an uninformed idiot. The short answer to your question is that tofu is processed while apples are not, to state the bleeding obvious. Tofu usually contains coagulants -generally either nigari or calcium carbonate. Some calcium chloride has, in the past been derived from animal sources such as cow bones and staghorn coral, much like calcium phosphate is (called "bone phosphate" in Australia. Moreover, both tofu and soy milk are filtered, and common filtration agents are fishmeal and animal charcoal (ie bits of burnt up carcass -this is used to filter petroleum jelly for example, while most beers are filtered using fishmeal). Foods are not required to inform customers that these substances were used, even though residues of filtration agents remain (apparently because their inclusion is unintentional, they are not regarded as additives by law). 'Scuse us, I'm just off to burn a few butcher shops down.

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