- McDonald's -

Re: fast food, fake food

Posted by: Julian Watts ( Seattle, USA ) on May 15, 1997 at 10:08:36:

In Reply to: Re: fast food, fake food posted by Mike Bacon on May 14, 1997 at 02:00:19:

boy, you really do seem to be misinformed...

> Well, Laura, I know a few things that will kill you a lot faster than meat!
> Cigarettes, booze, and illegal drugs will get you a date with the
> reaper much faster than meat will!

Everything's relative. People live on heroin, or a pag o' cigs a day and live to be 70. You eat a couple of big macs a day, every day (and fries with that, sir) and you're most likely gonna keel over pretty fast - and if you smoke on top of that - well then you'd be lucky to make it to 50 - and that's without considereing a significant loss in quality of life due to ailing health on the way.

> Furthermore, you need iron!!! Tell me! Do you have a suggestion on just as
> good a source (or better?) of iron?

Red meat has iron, but so do alot of vegetables. Try spinach or broccoli for example (or perhaps a six-inch nail through the forehead?). Pound for pound they're loaded conpared with meat - spinach, I think, has more iron than any other food, but I might be wrong on that. Spinach also has zero fat, zero cholesterol and maky other nutrients lacking in red meat. It's cheaper (relatively) And it tastes damn good.

> And another thing! Any food that smells good, tastes good is at least 80% > likely to be "bad" for you!

What a load of cowswill! You probably just don't know how to cook or had good food cooked for you. Low fat and vegetarian meals can be very tasty indeed. Sure - boiled lentils is dull on it's own (most people put sauce or pepper or butter etc on steak). You just have to add a few things - herbs, spices, small quantities of flavoured vegetable oils - if used properly the apparently blandest of vegetables can be made to taste like a $20 dish from a fine restaurant. Nowadays, veggie burgers have gotten so good, I prefer them to beef burgers (yes - I eat meat too, just not very much) - and they're healthier.

> Yet the life expectancy for humans keeps increasing! More people are
> reaching the century mark!

Our diet is worsening and causing many health problems - too many middle aged Americans have heart problems that could be avoided and/or alleviated by changing to a healthier low-fat diet with less red meat, not smoking and excercising more. the reason people live longer is that health care has got so much better in the last few decades. So good that it can keep alive for a good while all those fat bastards who should've keeled over by now due to unhealthy lifestyle (assuming you can afford it here in the US).

> One more thing before I go! Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream is also
> fattening (but very good!), but I don't hear anyone criticizing them!

Oh, Please...


It sure does - and it still sucks.

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