- McDonald's -

We know what McDonald's Supports

Posted by: Quincunx on November 14, 1997 at 11:14:42:

In Reply to: Why don't you try looking and the children's hospital's that they suuport. posted by anonymous on November 11, 1997 at 23:21:01:

Karen (anon): Look. You all need to stop ripping on McDonald's.

Qx; No we don't. They deserve a bit of ripping.

Karen (anon): The food industry is all a big pool of money in which everyone takes a good long swim in.

Qx: That's one long gresy swim that millions would rather not have.

Karen (anon): There is absolutely no getting around it,

Qx: Yes there is . Don't eat at fastfood restaurants,change your diet to more natural foodstuffs and start questioning the dominant paradigms in society.

Karen (anon):so stop your whining and do someting productive in your lives, like finding a cure for cancer, AIDS, or diabetes. Leave McDonald's alone because they are just trying to make a living.

Qx: you miss the fact that we're typing. Not whining. You could be accused of bickering but I'll let the readers judge for themselves.

Karen(anon): And as for the workers not getting paid overtime rates, if the workers had a problem with it they would not be working there. McDonald's offers many jobs and many opportunities to people.

Qx: McDonald's has over-paid CEOs who should do some costcutting by firing themselves.McDonald's Corp's bottom line is maximizing profit and they are morally wrong when they exploit workers by not paying for overtime and in many instances they are in a bad economic situation that is exacerbated by unfair labor laws in many places which leaves them with no other choice.They offer jobs and opportunities alright.And how much of this occurs within a democratic context? Do you consider minimum wage levels in the USA to be democratic ?

Karen(anon): Why don't you try looking and the children's hospital's that they suuport. How much money have you spent trying to down talk McDonald's ? Couldn't that money have been put to better use? Think about it.

Qx: I've looked at that sort of "philanthropy" and McDonald's does that in order to keep up their public image. I think the folks here at McSpotlight do this for free. I think I even might donate them some of my hard earned money.Now that's "a better use" than justifying McDonald's on the McSpotlight website.

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