- McDonald's -

It's not McDonalds, it's freedom.

Posted by: Karen ( usa ) on October 24, 1997 at 02:30:07:

In Reply to: Please Explain. posted by Ekaf Eman on October 17, 1997 at 04:38:02:

: This message is aimed at all the Mcdonalds supporters out there.

: Ok so you guys aree pretty sure you know that McDonald's is perfect and to say a bad thing against them is blasphamy before "god" right?
: Well i was hoping is, if you could humour me some, why???
: What makes you think McDonald's is sooo good? Becuase it provides (demeaning) jobs?? The toys??? The atmosphere??? Radiation Poisoning??
: I am quite serious as i WOULD definately like to hear "your" side of the story on this outright with all the bullshit cut out.

: Your friend and loving servant
: Ekaf >:P

You just don't get it, do you? I can only speak for myself so here goes.
I do not worship McDonalds. I believe in the right of an individual to go where they want to go and eat what they want to eat. I can't stand people who think in black and white(like a whole lot of activists). I resent being told by another person how I should live, what I should eat, or what morals I should uphold. I believe in the strength and intelligence of the individual. And on a more personal note I believe most activists are sissified, pampered children who haven't had a big enough dose of the real world and who have yet to learn that more good comes from interacting and helping others on a personal level every day than will ever come from a global movement.

Follow Ups:

  • ITA! EOM. McMom McHome USA October 24 1997 (0)

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