- McDonald's -

An Aussie Maccas worker Reply Re: What the #%*! is

Posted by: Cameron ( Australia ) on July 29, 1997 at 12:47:37:

In Reply to: What the #%*! is posted by Bitchy Richy on July 10, 1997 at 15:22:48:

"Macca's" may be an Aussie term as you put it, but seems to me to be far better than the American "Micky-Dees" or some of the other crap you YANKS come up with. As for your McNasty's, McShit, McMurder, McCancer comments. The only reason McDonald's is as big as it is and people like you sit a winge about it is because it is one of the most successful companys this planet has ever seen. We also have another term here in Australia it's called "Tall Poppie Syndrome". Look it up sometime.

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