- McDonald's -

Funny you should mention E-Coli,

Posted by: jj ( Ireland ) on May 16, 1997 at 13:30:09:

In Reply to: Re: fast food, fake food posted by Ted on May 16, 1997 at 01:28:20:

: >> Don't eat meat, it kills.

: > Well, Laura, I know a few things that will kill you a lot faster than
: > meat! Cigarettes, booze, and illegal drugs will get you a date with the
: > reaper much faster than meat will!

: That's odd--I always thought e.coli and salmonella worked pretty fast.

Apparently the phenylalanine used to make Diet coke is produced by genetically engineered E-Coli bacteria. Yuck ! What other foods sold by McPoison contain genetically engineered ingredients?(we know which ones contain E-Coli :)

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