- McDonald's -


Posted by: Mitch Penrod ( USA ) on January 11, 1998 at 20:16:57:

In Reply to: Re: VERY BAD FOOD posted by Chad Parsons on January 07, 1998 at 16:10:11:

I once ate at a McDonalds in Missouri. I have nothing against Missouri but I do against McDonalds. They palce was packed! It was horrible! The palce smelled like something was rotten. It was so bad we decided to sit outside to get away from the smell and the flies! Hundreds of flies. All of th tables were dirty and sticky. The fries were not done. They had run out of spoons so we had to eat our sundaes with a fork! The bathrooms were dirty! The cashiers were over run with people. They ran out of almost every type of burger. Our cashier was too thick to understand what we were saying. She couldn't figure out how to work the machine! At another McDonalds in our home town there was another incident. They didn't know what I had asked for. I orderd an apple pie ala mode. They had to call in the manager to ask him! Finally, after they couldn't figure out to put an apple pie on a plate and put ice cream next to it they just gave me 2 apple pies! It took them 15 minutes! In another story, I was selling tickets for all you can eat sausage and hot cakes. They were $3 a piece. That's $12 for our whole family. It was also in the evening so this was our supper. I could have got an extra value meal but instead I got one sausage and 3 hot cackes. It was not all you can eat both, only all you can eat hot cackes! I mean how many hot cakes can you eat? All I could maange was 3. I know I paid $3 for that meal but it only cost them about $0.30. This makes me so mad! I also have something to say about child labor! They make kids in China work for maybe 3 cents a day making those little Happy Meal toys. That makes me sick! What about them getting their hamburger from South America? (1) It destroys rainforests, and (2) it takes business away from American workers. Why? Beacuse it is cheaper to get it from down there, even if the quality is less. Think about it. That meat has to be shipped here from South America. Already that is going to lessen its quality. Also, the cows don't get as much to eat so they are skinnier and less good. Plus, they graze on poor grass. If you know about deforestation, you know that the crops that grow on deforrested areas are poor. Oh, and about the South America meat and Asian slave labor. They also go for any big chain, such as: Hardees, Burger King, and Dairy Queen.

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