- McDonald's -

Re: Not all food they sell is fattening.

Posted by: Debbie ( USA ) on June 04, 1997 at 11:43:28:

In Reply to: Not all food they sell is fattening. posted by Mike Bacon on June 02, 1997 at 04:05:47:

> Many McDonald's outlets do not provide salads at all.

Good for you Mike, a well-spoken repy. McSpotlight, how about a
little credit for the good choices available.


McSpotlight comment:

The 'good' choices are not available at all outlets. While they
might be attempting to supply healthier food options, it does
not change any of the critisisms about their business practices
or exploitation of people, animals and the environment for the
profit of the few. It is also very arguable whether what they
call healthy option are that healthy. See the evidence of Peter Cox
where he explained that the company's claim to be concerned about
healthy eating was not borne out by the products sold. Even their
salads (still only available in some stores) had a 'ludicrously high'
fat content (some with over 50% calories from fat).

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