- McDonald's -

Stop blaming someone else

Posted by: dee Isner ( USA ) on July 03, 1997 at 10:36:12:

In Reply to: fundamental design problems posted by julia on June 27, 1997 at 19:20:20:

: Sandra--Read all the messages before stating the obvious and ridiculous!! The issue is we can't control other people's children and once your child enters the tubes, you can't get to them to protect them or watch them!! The design has fundamental problems. Also McD's invites these children into their business, profits greatly from them, should we not demand that safety be utmost?

Sorry, Julia, but I have to agree with Sandra. You seemed to have all the information for a decision; i.e. you perceived design problems, knew other children played in the tubes, and an a danger existed when other parents do not supervise their own children. Nonetheless, after considering the dangers, you let your child take the risk, and now you should accept the consequences. Certainly it is terrible when a child is injured, but you were aware of the risks that pervailed. Stop blaming someone else for your poor decision. Upon observing the conditions you stated, you should have turned around and walked out.

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