- McDonald's -

The exploiting world of McDonalds- Conspiricy Theory

Posted by: Tanya the Vegan ( McDonalds South Australia, Australia ) on September 19, 1997 at 14:55:24:

Hi, I hate my job because I work at McDonalds. Mcdonalds is bad in EVERY way. Just let me begin to explain some of the things I HATE
about McDonalds.

Mcdonalds exploit their workers, they employ Young people for LOW wages
they make them work their bums off to get nothing back in return.
I've been working there for two years and i still get treated like a
black slave in the 1800's.

Mcdonalds run on a hierarchy system which is based on their seceret
slogan the 'Goldern Arches', this means to move workers up to the top
of the arches and if you notice that's not very high at all then they
slide down the goldern slippery dip which if you take care to notice is
lower than when you started out. They eat you up use you for all your
worth then spit you out at the end leaving you with only skin and bone.
McDonals food also tastes but is pure CANCER CAUSING PLASTIC, nothing in their food is real the lettece is made of 12 chemicals! It's used to
make you ADDICTED and coming back for more you'll die 50 years too young.

You'll be addicted to the Coke that rots your teeth, addicted to that oh so fattening 1/4 pounder that causes you to become obese and you
arteries will be full of animal fat. Do you know that they cook their
fries in 100% animal fat and the same with their nuggets and apple pies
chicken pieces and filet o fish pieces.

Your mind will become contaminated with this poison. Your mind will be too weak to see that Mcdonalds is killing you and drugging you slowly
the more you eat the more poisoned your body and brain will become
untill you are so much more easily convinced to buy something when you see that add on the T.V. youre an obese, coke addicted animal fat addicted, drugged, brainwashed secound class citizen.

And you wondered why McDonalds has so many customers.....
They're taking over......
Note, the owners and the original creaters are often Vegetarians.
why oh why.
because this keeps them alert to see things for what they are

Not like their customers.

My last point is the cruelty to the Animals every McDonalds product contains animal meat or fat . Many of these animals are stuck in small
pens their whole lives then slaughtered. Many never even see day light.

How happy would you be to eat a big mac after you personally slaushtered the cow?

It's crap McDonalds take too much from the earth and give nothing back
in return.

Overall Mcdonalds exploit workers, suck in childeren at a young age to
catch them at a early age and drug them early (Happy Meals &toy)
they cause health problems contaminate people kill animals(a lot) and
they are bad on an economical scale.

It's a selfish capitalist game and only a few win.....

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