- McDonald's -

Mmm, mmm, mmm!!!

Posted by: Mike Bacon ( Bedford, TX, USA ) on July 28, 1997 at 00:35:31:

In Reply to: The customer is always right!!! NOT!. posted by J on July 27, 1997 at 22:54:27:

Another one who refers to half the customers as morons! Perhaps part of the
problem at your store is YOUR attitude! Ever think of that?!!! Like I said, I
don't bitch at a supervisor or the staff often, but when I do, it is because
I'm fed up with a certain location's performance, and yes I am often very much
to the point!!! Then, if it continues, I quit going there.

Maybe Texas is different than other parts of the country, but I haven't
personally witnessed many confrontational customers at restaurants. I therefore
find your "half the customers" story hard to believe, that is if everyone,
including YOU, is doing their job properly! But if you have a lot of customers
confronting you or others, then obviously your location has problems!

If you want to see your store go out of business, keep up the anti-customer

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