- McDonald's -

Re: reheating old food

Posted by: funkster ( UK ) on June 25, 1997 at 20:02:41:

In Reply to: reheating old food posted by Vi on June 22, 1997 at 23:55:33:


You shouldn't be surprised by anything like reheating old food as new. In fact you are lucky the food isn't totally cold anyway.

Also, steer clear of the deep-fried fruit pies...the fillings are thermonuclear and have been known to remove skin on contact! This is despite official McD recommendations to allow the pie to cool before serving. But put it this way, when employees are given a choice between obeying a manager obsessed with profit (hence haste), and a minor company memorandum, the outcome is never in doubt.

The food is not only nutritionally poor, but may physically harm you on contact. Give me a cheese sandwich!

If anyone has stories about this please follow up.


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