- McDonald's -

Demand a Refund then

Posted by: Mike Sprout ( Canada ) on October 18, 1997 at 21:09:49:

In Reply to: McSpotlight's lame excuse posted by The Real Quincunx on October 13, 1997 at 13:34:30:

> Here's a source to look at other discuusion forums and see for
> yourselves.Hopefully McSpotlight will consider my request to delete the fake
> posting and maybe they'll even reply to my private e-mail message.

If you feel McSpotlight is serving you so poorly, why don't you just demand a refund? - oops, sorry, it dosen't cost anything. Perhaps you can complain to the sites sponsors or advertisors - oh, no, there arn't any. This site is run by volunteers at no cost to you. You can hardly complain about the service level. While I have been impersonated to, I'm hardly going to rant oa about it.

Even Mike Bacon didn't do that. After all, if you don't like it, you don't have to come!

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