- McDonald's -

social editorializing

Posted by: dee isner ( usa ) on October 16, 1997 at 17:37:05:

In Reply to: Vegetarian's Against McDonalds posted by Angelkilla Junkman on October 16, 1997 at 10:43:42:

: Knowledge will free the mind. Kidding small children into believing that burgers grow on trees, I think, is sick. A child would not eat another creature if not forced into it, or if the child itself had to kill it in order to eat it. People , Please listen! We are overpopulating the planet at an alarming rate. We need alternate food sources! If we quit eating animals, we have plants to eat that were grown for them, and the more space to grow crops to feed our children. Please think these things out rationally. Angelkilla Junkman

A. Junkman, your social editorializing is always welcome, but give us poor saps that still love fatty, delicious steaks and burgers the opportunity to continue our gluttony. Each person should be able to decide what's best for them; you keep eating your vegeburgers and I'll continue savoring an occasional quarter pounder . . . or two.

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