- McDonald's -

Re: where that filth belongs

Posted by: Mark ( USA ) on December 31, 1997 at 16:51:28:

In Reply to: where that filth belongs posted by julie on December 23, 1997 at 09:45:22:

Obviously written by people who do not have children. I agree that
parents should not change their kid's diaper at a dining room table.
Most establishments (at least in the US), Mac's and otherwise,
provide changing tables in both restrooms. The dining tables should be
cleaned before new customers sit at them. Obviously, this isn't
always the case. If the table is still dirty, either get an employee to clean
it, or sit at a different one.

The bottom line is: you've chosen to enter a public place to eat your meal. And that, by definition, means you're going to deal with the public. Some of the public are kind of gross. If you don't like it. Make your own meals at home to your own standards. It would be a lot cheaper, probably be better for you, and probably taste a lot better.

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