- McDonald's -

Re: McDonald's management strategy is based on FEAR

Posted by: Debbie ( USA ) on May 21, 1997 at 16:29:32:

In Reply to: Re: McDonald's management strategy is based on FEAR posted by Steve Bogie on May 04, 1997 at 12:46:21:

: This is just a quick note in reply to all this McDonald's hooplah. I'm a University student who has previously worked at a McDonald's for almost 5 years. I accredit most of my work ethics to the McDonald's environment and I find the previous response ludicrous - maybe a little amusing. Possibly the McDonald's I worked at wasn't the norm, but as far as I can tell it is. First of all, communication is an essential part of the McDonald's process, as is with most places of work. Of course there were times when casual conversation with my buds were frowned upon, but that was during supper rushes. Personally, I found it a fun place to work, with a friendly management staff there to help me. As for humiliation from older employees - I think you are a dork. What are you talking about? I am confident with my knowledge of the McDonald's process, and there are no secret training videos kept for older employees entitled "How to humiliate the fresh meat". Finally the grease problem. Yes, there is grease at McDonald's - no big surprise. However, you don't have to swim in it to become an employee of the month. I find it a very clean environment (one of the slogans is "if you have time to lean, you have time to clean"!- corny, but you know what I mean) - and we have overnight maintenance workers which do most of the dirty work. I don't know if this would apply to 24h stores, but I'm sure there are maintenance workers there too. Final note: people - you are reading into this way too deeply. McDonald's makes burgers. They aren't the healthiest, but it's what the general public wants ->ergo, McD's is popular. If you don't like it, let the rest of us eat in peace.
: Steve Bogie (sjbogie@novice.uwaterloo.ca)

Good for you! Your comments are clear, concise, and rational.

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