- McDonald's -

Re: Opening a Franchise

Posted by: Cara Russell ( USA ) on October 12, 1997 at 18:37:06:

In Reply to: Re: Opening a Franchise posted by Quincunx on October 11, 1997 at 20:45:28:

When I was on Grand Cayman a few months ago, I was struck by a Mac Attack. Had there been a McDonald's within the close proximity of the cruise ship terminal, they would have gotten a customer. That is why Mr. Day is interested in opening a franchise. There is good money in it. But no, that's capitalism, we couldn't have that. So don't give him a hard time because he's looking for a way to support himself and his family.

Scott, my advise to you is to get into the system (if you are not already working at a McDonald's). I know that the corporation is much more likely to grant you a franchise if you are already working for them. But that is all I know about it. Sorry I can be of more assistance.


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