- McDonald's -

Breaking the Cycle

Posted by: Joe ( Crossroads, USA ) on November 28, 1997 at 21:13:33:

16 lbs of grain and 5,000 gals. of water are required to produce 1 lbs. of beef. 90% of the grain production in the US is used to feed livestock. 50,000 children starve to death on this planet every day. The leading cause of death in this country is heart disease. The leading cause of heart disease results from our high-fat diet.

Heard all this before? If not look it up. It's in the books! (Start with John Robbin's "Diet for a New America")

I've been a Vegetarian for 9 years. It's not a religion and there are no "politically correct" vegetarians. It's simply a change in diet that leads to a change in health, energy, and attitude. All of the protein, vitamines, and yes, minerals can be obtained from a vegetarian diet.

Start simply. Break the cycle. Stop eating at McDonalds, Wendy's (ask Dave about his triple by-pass), Burger King, etc. The Ronal McDonald house is a testiment to our country's poor health, bad eating habits, and corporate greed usurping the futures of our childern and our country.

Truth cannot be debated...points of view can...the facts speak for themselves...

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