- McDonald's -

Veggie food

Posted by: Thelonius Flash ( TCF, UK ) on November 03, 1997 at 16:22:09:

In Reply to: McDonald's wheels out Roller Wraps posted by Mike Sprout on November 02, 1997 at 10:44:16:

I'm afraid that its quite unlikely that they will listen, as this is not the first time that such views have been expressed.

A long time ago I began the MacCarrot campaign, which had the tongue in cheek aim of seeing the addition of carrot burgers. Sadly people concentrated too much upon the humorous side thus missing that we had a serious point to make. This was the reaction from Mcspotlight contributors, so one can imagine how the MacDonalds people reacted. The problem is that an issue such as this is hard to gain much support for, and when one attempts to counter this by adding a humourous taint then the whole debate sinks into a quagmire of immaturity. Sort of a catch 22 situation.

But I'd like to say that I, and the other 2 remaining members of The Carrot Foundation (TCF) pledge you our full support.

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