- McDonald's -

Howe doo thae treet U?

Posted by: Joey Stalin ( Managers for the Advancement of Q-ing, McDonaldland ) on September 05, 1997 at 19:39:47:

In Reply to: managers treatment of employees posted by rowena on September 03, 1997 at 13:00:17:

: i would just like too mention that even though you might get a good reference in the future because you worked at mcdonalds doesn't mean it is the ideal place too work in.

Off corse knot. Butt, iz their an idiul wurk enviroment? Eye thinc knot. U coud bee wurkin anyware else, shovlin shitt or wat evr, they're iz know purfect jobb.

: At one stage my fellow workers and i were getting a total of $4.84 an hour. Slave work.

Thats 9 sents above minymum. U shud thanc U're luccie starz that U gott dat much. Most uv da crue hoo eye manage getts less dan dat.

:Also i think if McDonalds want us too treat us with respect, the managers should be taught how to treat their crew. It is apalling the conditions in which myself and others have worked in. They have no worries about humiliating you in front of customers etc

Ore waz it appalling too U dat U hadd too wurk, and wurk hard. Pulleez site spucific exampulz. Howe doo thae treet U? Iz itt becuz thae maid U wurk? Becuz U kept skrooing up da orders? Purhaps becaz da sandwitches U made lukked like shit? Managers just dun't ripp intoo U fur know resun. Eye never doo. Their mae bea a fue exseptions and day shud bee sakked.

Juste mi opinions.


Follow Ups:

  • Manager Ryan Newington McDonald's Altona Australia September 10 1997 (0)

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