- McDonald's -

McD makes no difference

Posted by: Mike Bacon ( Bedford, Texas, USA ) on July 01, 1997 at 10:27:46:

In Reply to: mcdonalds & war posted by Lono Bono on June 30, 1997 at 23:29:00:

: Can anyone in here help me? I heard about a recent magazine article which claims that no country with a mcdonalds franchise has ever attacked, militarily, another country with a mcdonalds franchise.

: McSpotlight says:
: If you visit:

: http://www.mcspotlight.org/media/press/telegraph_15dec96.html

: you will find one such article (it was from a press wire so it was published broadly).

I think it's because most of the countries which McD's has established
restaurants in are democracies, and democratic nations do not have
records as aggressors, like totalitarian nations do.

As for the dictatorships that have let McD's in, I don't think it makes
a difference one way or the other. What could McD's do to stop some
asshole madman from invading another country, regardless of whether the
"invadee" has a McD's chain?

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