- McDonald's -

Ronald McDonald Antidote

Posted by: Luke Kuhn ( Utopian Anarchist Party, USA ) on July 09, 1997 at 21:24:13:

I have thought of the perfect way to neutralize the infamous Ronald McDonald ads. All we need to do is create an "ad" showing the clown sittion on the toilet boasting about how "at McDonalds-we recycle EVERYTHING," and showing him reaching into the toilet, pulling out a shapeless lump of meat(or whatever) and proceeding to make a Happy Meal (a Crappy Meal?) out of it. This could be distributed best as an underground comic that could get its start in the junior high schools and also be left prominately displayed at playgrounds and so forth. McD's would have a hard time suing anyone since the claim would not be considered plausible in a court of law, and a few subtle changes to trademarks are enough to avoid that problem-such as saying "MacDonalds" instead of "McDonalds."
Another possibility would be to protray the clown as a "child molester" hoding out a Big Mac and saying "wanna touch it little girl?"
This idea would also work well on Joe Camel(for which I first developed it).

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