- McDonald's -

Hamburger University

Posted by: Manager on the east coast ( USA ) on December 12, 1997 at 18:14:42:

In Reply to: how much would a McDonald's cost if I wanted to buy it? posted by David Yates on December 04, 1997 at 10:38:14:

David, I do know that in order to operate a McDonald's you must attend the McDonalds schools(hamberger college and hamburger university ) I have completed the hamberger college and my next step is H.U. In order to become a STORE MANAGER you also must complete these schools. I am second assistant to the store manager who is the owners right hand man. It takes about 3 years for you if you want to lease the franchise,7 years to outright own the store. Then if you are lucky they will choose you to operate a McDonalds. And if the store you have meets constant tests on your food quality and service you will be able to try having more than one store. It is close to a half a mil. So if you can take the stress that owning any business brings your way contact the McDonalds corporate office in your state. Good Luck!

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