- McDonald's -

McPitas in Toronto - What will the McCopy next?

Posted by: Mike Sprout ( Canada ) on October 11, 1997 at 20:29:21:

Several McDonalds outlets In Toronto Ontario are test marketin Pita sandwiches, Including Chicken, Turkey, and (gasp) even garden vegetable. This comes on the heels of Wendy's hugely successful pita introduction (now word yet on whether McDonalds has avoided Wendy's gelatin fiasco). Can McDonalds not come up with anything original?

This summer McDonalds in Canada started selling McFrosty, a poor (I'm told, I wouldn't eat any of this crap) takeoff of the Dairy Queen blizzard. We all know of McDonald's attemp to go after the upscale market with the Arch Deluxe (2 years in development - just to figure out you can put a piece of Bacon on a burger), and campaign 55 to go after the price cutting Burger King. McDonalds' attempt to get a slice of the growing pizza market hasn't met with much success either (was it a coincident they used a blimp to promote their pizza, the icon of a weel known RUBBER company? Seemed appropriate).

As the biggest fast food company, McDonalds should be leading the industry forward, not jumping on the bandwagon after every competitor introduces a new product. When will they realize that consumers want healthier, tastier, enviromentally friendly product? Why not move in this direction rather than continuing to have product after product fail? (Rumour has it they are poised to introduce a clone of the Whopper - how revoltionary). Moving in a new direction is the only way they will halt their sliding sales and lagging share price.

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