- McDonald's -

Re: job creation more important

Posted by: Paul ( Oz ) on August 19, 1997 at 14:55:48:

In Reply to: job creation more important posted by PETE on August 18, 1997 at 09:14:51:

: I've been eating and working at a McDonalds store for the past four years. You neglected to mention in your little protest about food chains and stuff that McDonalds creates between 50 or 200 jobs per store while giving casual workexperience to young people and management responsibilitys to young adults. I belive that this is more important than you crapping on about pounds of beef and feeding ten people on grain Pete

So Pete,
You've swallowed the "Job Creation" line.
Come on now. You should know better than that. This is just a term slung around by game-show-hosts (whoops, I mean politicians) trying to score points in political debates. Forget "job creation" it'll never happen and it's just a catch phrase.

The things we should really be worrying about are environmental rape and the increasing human population. For some reason our governments and big corporations seem to think we can just make limitless demands on this planet. You should be aware of these things in Australia.

Australia is a desert. This continent is not designed to support 5 million people let alone 16 million. And yet we think that we can graze cattle and grow crops to support millions more. Produce more. Make more jobs. Increase production. It's companies just like McDonalds that are feeding this beleif. A beleif that consumption is A-okay.

Have a think about it.

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