- McDonald's -

Ever hear of Woolworths, Mike?

Posted by: Harley ( Canada ) on October 24, 1997 at 19:32:27:

In Reply to: Ever hear of the Edsel, Mike? posted by Mike Bacon on October 18, 1997 at 21:14:05:

: > Here is what McDonald's menu should look like. Replace the fries ....

: Although I like your choice selections, I disagree that they should REPLACE what is in existance. The Ford Motor Company tried to break further into the middle price field with a line of radical cars each with the Edsel nameplate. This was back in the late 50's before I came around. History says the line was cancelled in less than 2 years due to lack of buyer interest.

: If McD's were to replace its current menu with the above food items, that would be a sure way for the ENTIRE ORGANIZATION to go to hell in a bucket, a fate worse than the failure of the Edsel.

: However, it wouldn't hurt for McD's to offer an embellished and GREATER selection of salads, and baked potatoes IN ADDITION to its traditional fries. As for veggie burgers, I don't know if they would go, even as an addition to the menu. They could be another Edsel (or IBM PC Jr).

Woolworths was once a dominate retailer in the U.S. Now they are no more. What happened? They failed to change with the times. Now Wal-Mart dominates with a new business model (Before Quincunx rails on about the evils of Wal-Mart, I am not suggesting that this is good or bad, just that it happened). I would suggest McDonald's is heading the way of Woolworths, and needs to drasticaly overhaul their business plan.

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