- McDonald's -

Re: Like McDonalds? Are you ill?

Posted by: B@d_80y ( OPC, United States of fucin America ) on August 22, 1997 at 00:09:19:

In Reply to: Like McDonalds? Are you ill? posted by Molly on August 19, 1997 at 14:55:03:

S H U T U P !!!!!! what a bunch of shit

: Get a life moron! Only the most simple minded could say something so moronic! Why dont you do a little research before you blab about something you obviously know nothing about. McDonalds is singlehandedly deforesting the earth and no one seems to give a shit! Do you have kids? Nieces, Nephews? Do you just not care? Why support a wicked company that pollutes the minds of Americas children by using cartoons and gimmicks. The earths rain forests are almost gone and do you know whos in the lead with an ax? Buying McDonalds is the same as saying that you couldnt give a shit about your health and you dont care that we as a society are leading ourselves very quickly to extinction with alot of help from good ol mickey d's. Get a life! Get educated!

: An anti McDonalds mother of two
: whod rather feed her kids shit than
: McDonalds, because it would be
: better for them.


McSpotlight notes:

Of course we don't agree with the statements made about rainforests in the above message, as they don't correspond to the McLibel Judge's verdict.

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