- McDonald's -

McD's Austalia: most successful McD's System currently operating

Posted by: A Loyal McDonald's Manager ( McOpCo, McDonald's Western Australia, Australia ) on October 13, 1997 at 13:44:32:


Because we have stuck to the simple recipe. Our menus are limited which helps us to focus on better quality control ,faster production and service and HOTTER food.

If we continued to EXPAND our regular menu...we'd have to begin compromising on quality because we'd be spreading our roots thin. McDonald's USA should revert back to the 7 burger menu..and regular intoduce novelty burgers every 2 months.

People want to get what they want FAST....if your spending 10minutes trying to decide if you want McPizza...McHotdog....McPita....McPasta....Mcwhatever...then everyone wins...because service would be faster.....coz they only have the old favourites to choose from.

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