- McDonald's -

Re: Norway: doctors afraid of McDonalds

Posted by: David Hardman ( London, UK ) on June 05, 1997 at 14:00:56:

In Reply to: Norway: doctors afraid of McDonalds posted by MS on June 03, 1997 at 19:11:28:

: The doctors in a norwegian hospital will not allow the four people who got sick of McDonalds fish burger to speak to the press. They were afraid that McDonalds would make economic claims against the hospital.
: The hospital denies (TV2) any contact with McDonalds. McDonalds' Theo Holm says that they have close contact and cooperation with the hospital. There is an artikel about it on Norwegian in VG.

Can you say a bit more about this? How can a hospital stop patients talking to the press? Do you simply mean they won't let the press into the hospital? I don't see how anything a patient says about McDonalds could cause legal problems for a hospital.

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