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Re: eating meat is not ok.

Posted by: Sandoz ( the Sun, Canada ) on September 22, 1997 at 22:04:42:

In Reply to: eating meat is not ok. posted by John on September 21, 1997 at 18:27:37:

I am a meat eater. I feel absolutely no shame. Why? I am a carnivore. It is my decision, and if you do not want to eat meat, aall the power to you and more meat for me. But don't try to guilt trip me into believing that what I am doing is wrong. I'm not really that religious but I do believe that if God did not want us to eat animals he would equip them with defense mechanisms to avoid ending up on human's plates. You say that animals are alive and have feelings, so you vegans eat vegetables instead of meat. How do you know that your caesar salad doesn't have feelings? It has been scientifically proven that plants respond to stimuli, so there is a possibility that they can feel. So, what you are saying is that we should stop eating meat? If humans stopped eating animals it would throw off the balance of nature. Also, you would have to ask Yogi and his friends to kindly stop eating meat as well because they would probably need to be notified that what they are doing is "wrong." In closing I would like to say that vegetarians that try to force their ideas on others and pull off a holier-than-thou attitude need to stop being so ignorant.
P.S. You can stop eating meat but when you're alone in the forest and a 1500 lbs. bear sees you, he won't think twice about eating you!!!

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