- McDonald's -

economic and social pressures

Posted by: erskine childers ( ireland ) on July 10, 1997 at 10:24:12:

In Reply to: What's the problem? posted by Oscar on July 07, 1997 at 17:56:44:

: I don't understand what all the fuss is about. If you don't like McDonalds, you don't have to eat there. If somebody drops meat on the ground and still serves it, it says more about that person then the system. That person should never have a job where there is an element of responsibility in regards to anothers health or safety. In every system there is a way of doing things wrong. This does not mean it is condoned by McDonalds. If the right people are in the managing positions, people who do not observe procedures will be removed, maintaining a high standard. I'll keep eating there anyway.

There are a few things that you need to be able to accept and see for all this to be an arguement.

Workers at McD are often there because they have to be - economic pressures and social pressures do literally force people to have jobs, the society we live in creates and maintains this 'feeling of worth'. So many workers - being a tad more critical of this set-up are somewhat angered by their situation, trapped as they are in low-paid, under-recognised dead-end positions. It would not take a great deal of time to realise that you are being exploited not only by McD but by the demands of the customer whose expectations are set by the company through advertising, presentation etc.

So there are unhappy workers, demanding customers, exploitative management and no representation to alleviate ANY of these problems except to leave the place - then what? do you think for everyone who works at McD that they can just up and leave what might be their only source of income? No I don't think so.

I don't condone what some people claim to have done - at worst it is dangerous and at best I can only think - eat where the food is shit and expect to be served shit. It is the workers I sense that are losing out the most though as they have to go through the same shit every day, whereas you seem quite content just to eat it.

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