- McDonald's -

McNutts - a thesis

Posted by: Paxton P. ( Bedford, TX, USA ) on August 13, 1997 at 14:11:53:

In America, we are CITIZENS - not SUBJECTS! We used to be a prouder nation, but have been overun of late by misinformed, well intentioned fanatical types who spend (waste) the majority of their time bashing the very things that make America great. If you don't like Howard Stern just change the channel. If you want to be a vegatarian don't eat meat. But don't tell me I can't have it! Worry about yourself and get a life.

If you are going to shut down McDonald's then you are going to have to shut down Burger King, Wendy's, Jack in the Box, Whataburger, and every other business establishment in the country that serves MEAT. You'll have to close down all the shoe stores that use leather. Next will be the farms, and the fisheries. Is that going to happen? I don't hear anyone in this debate group talking about the studies showing that lettuce causes Hepatitis in gerbals. See how easy it is to just make something up?

Ray Kroc didn't cause the Holocost, nor was McDonald's responsible for getting Ronald Reagan elected. Grimace is not based on evil German war criminals and the Fry Kids are not satan's army. McDonald's is a modern day burger joint. Plain and simple. If you want to stop their marketing techniques than you will have to also ground the Goodyear, Fuji, Blockbuster, and other blimps. They too are polluting the minds of those who would be buying products, and we wouldn't want anyone being influenced by ads, would we?

There are plenty of people these days who bash God, so surely poor old Ronald McDonald is going to get his share, too. But what is the point? I think young people who wear their baggy pants hanging down around the bottom of their butt with the band of their underwear pulled up to their navels look stupid. I think THAT is pollution of our youth. But I don't waste my precious life sitting at a computer night after night posting to debate groups about it. There is so much more to life than that. Mike Bacon of Bedford, my neighbor, get a bike and get out for some fresh air. This is America. Live and let live. Educate yourselves on fact - not what bored, pathetic, computer addicted, lonely schemers tell you in their parodies. Be realistic in choosing your battles, for the pollution you breathe on your way to McDonald's is more dangerous to your health than anything on their menu taken in moderation. Your cel phones z-waves and dangerous rays emitting from your computer monitors will kill you before a Big Mac will. I've said my piece. Now I move on to other horizons. I really should hope you all don't get a life. As long as you are geeking it keeps the lines shorter at the supermarket.

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