- McDonald's -


Posted by: Leroy ( Ontario ) on October 18, 1997 at 21:07:52:

In Reply to: Minor tinkering with their existing product posted by Mike Sprout on October 17, 1997 at 18:46:42:

> In case you didn't surf down the whole page and missed some of my other posts,
> rest assure I did NOT post the message about the fake messages to make people
> argue over petty crap.

Mike Sprout has got it exactly right. Adding a piece of tomato to a piece of crap is only a piece of crap with tomato, not much of an improvement.

Why dosen't McDonald's completely overhaul their operation? Continuing on their current path with only result in eventual oblivian. Think of the free publicity they would get if they announced that yes, their current menu is outrageously unhealthy, but they have listened to their customers and intend to completely revamp their product.

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