- McDonald's -

BK- Quality Customers and staff

Posted by: Jules-BK Manager ( Burger King, USA ) on September 24, 1997 at 10:25:34:

Thanks for the compliment, I don't think it is totally to do with my management style, I think it has to do with a high quality of employees we hire. If I saw someone lick their hands while making sandwiches they would be severly reprimanded. My motto is don't serve anything to the customers that you or I would not eat ourselves and you can be sure Im not eating anything that anyone who licked their hands made. Im sorry your husband had such a bad experience at BK that he went to but Ive worked in 5 stores and I have never seen anything like what you said happen. Your husband should have talked to the manager as problems cannot be fixed if they are not known about.

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