- McDonald's -

McDonald's intrinsically unhygienic

Posted by: Dave Hardman ( UK ) on May 23, 1997 at 16:29:58:

In Reply to: No cleaner, safer environment for buying food posted by mike painter on May 11, 1997 at 18:49:01:

> I would defy anyone to find a cleaner safer environment for buying food than a McDonald's.

Witness at the McLibel trial, Environmental Health Officer Richard North, testified that there is no correlation between a visual appearance of cleanliness in a food outlet and microbiological hygiene. Moreover, he concluded that the very nature of the fast turnover operation was intrinsically unhygienic and that McD did not appear to take a sufficiently serious attitude to health and safety.

I'm paraphrasing of course, so check out the court transcripts for further details.

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