- McDonald's -

Ray Kroc would roll over

Posted by: Allan McCutchen ( usa ) on August 04, 1997 at 09:41:40:

In Reply to: a once great company posted by Dee Isner on July 10, 1997 at 15:23:55:

: : When driving an airport limousine in the early 1980's, I had the experience of meeting many McDonald's execs, as the limo company for which I worked serviced McD's world headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois. Almost without exception, these individuals were uncannily young, often in their late 20's or early 30's, and aggressively obnoxious. I gained the distinct impression that they had been recruited primarily on the basis of their rudeness and exaggerated self-importance.
: : The one incident that most stands out in my mind is of a 30-ish McD's exec who got in the limo for a ride to the airport. After a cursory hello, the first words to leave his mouth were "How much (money) do you make doing this?".
: : To this I replied something like "Enough to suffice, thanks".
: : His quick response was "Well, I make forty-five thousand dollars a year".
: : I was non-plussed, and said something like "gosh, that's nice", but obviously he was quite impressed with the statement, as with himself.

: Jeff, your story hits the nail squarely and illustrates a contributing factor to the demise of a once great company . . . ARROGANCE. Unfortunately, not much has changed since the 80's. Corporate decision makers are consumed with self-importance, we can do no wrong, and only persons such as me can make the right decisions. Disdain for subordinates as filtered to the lower ranks and erroded moral and productivity. Only when the brashness and arrogance of the type you described is changed or eliminated, will this company again begin to grow.

About a year ago I tried to call the company and complain about quality and service. I found no way to get a "quality" employee, so I called the President. Of course I only could talk to a secretary but told them then that "Quality" was no longer a part of the definition of this company. If I was anticipating the events which led to this, I would suppose that these ignorant management types have tried to make their mark by cutting costs the easy way, in quality and service. It is obvious to me that the company has deliberately worked to reduce staff and cost in the food product. It take a total idiot to believe that this type of plan can lead to anything but failure. But it sounds like that is the type of management that McDonald's has hired. Ray Kroc would roll over in his grave...

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