- McDonald's -

Re: No cleaner, safer environment for buying food

Posted by: Debbie ( USA ) on May 21, 1997 at 06:36:17:

In Reply to: No cleaner, safer environment for buying food posted by mike painter on May 11, 1997 at 18:49:01:

: : : McDonald's lies to you. The advirtise that their food is healthy and nutritious BUT in reality their food is high in fat, sugar and salt. Also they use matter in their beef that should not be digested. For example they add the eyeballs of cows to their beef concoction. There has also been a documented case of girls getting food poisoned because their McChicken sandwich had a puss filled tumor growing on it. So, please boycott your local McDonald's and next time your hungry opt for a healthier and SAFER location.

: So only girls get these sandwiches? Documentation please.

: Their food is high in fat, sugar and salt All attempts to sell low fat burgers etc have failed. People don't buy them.

: The contents of the meat is no secret, and does not contain any of the alleged products. As with the worm myth it would probably cost more to add them in any event.
: The meat is flash frozen with nitrogen as soon as processed and thawed just before cooking.
: A franchise can lose his or her license if a burger is still avqilable for sale 10 minutes after being prepared.
: I would defy anyone to find a cleaner safer environment for buying food than a McDonald's.
: Don't own one but wish I did. Don't work for one and glad I don't.

Please, would I like to know who in the world made-up all this B.S.! I think I might have injured myself by falling off my chair from laughing so hard. How can you pass along such nonsense as "pus-filled tumor GROWING on on a McChicken sandwich" with a straight face and expect anyone to take you seriously? Our food is the same if not better as the food YOU buy in the grocery store. (I am assuming you do eat). Even if you choose to not eat beef (ours is leaner than that sold in grocery stores) surely you eat eggs, drink milk or eat cheese, lettuce, tomatoes etc... it's all the same stuff you buy. As for the fat content in our food, you make the point yourself that we did try to bring out an extremely low-fat burger in response to consumer demand and NO ONE BOUGHT THEM. So much for all those voices clamoring for a low-fat burger. Also maybe you don't realize some of the other menu changes that have been made. We don't use butter anymore, only margarine. Instead of whole milk, it's 2%. We don't have real cream either, it's Half and Half. These are just a few of the many changes made in response to consumer demand. Next time, do a little research before you start sprouting some ridiculous urban tale.

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