- McDonald's -

Growing up Corporate and not Knowing the Difference

Posted by: Quincunx ( The IWW,OBU and Much,much more !!! ) on October 06, 1997 at 23:21:12:

In Reply to: Its a cool place to work posted by Julia on October 05, 1997 at 12:44:40:


: I know that ya'll are not just blowing smoke about bad managers cause Ive had some rotten, evil managers but we are all not like that. Ive you're anti management here's a message for you: Grow Up!

Many of us have and can see that capitalism can't be reformed.Now if anybody plans on starting up their own business they had better not be too accepting of free market fantasies without doing some critical thinking first. Both McDonald's and Burger King are huge multinationals
(indeed transnationals) that depend on a reserve labor force and they don't like competition.The labor law and business laws currently in force serves to promote big business at the expense of the smaller businesses by a number of devised mechanisms such as the judicial system.Hostile takeovers are the norm and it doesn't favor smaller companies that were (in many cases) started from scratch.

cause unless you plan on owning your own business someone is gonna be your boss. I guess maybe Im different from others cause I can generally get along with everyone. I had a RM who everyone disliked and he was my closest friend.

That can easily be conjectured as being buddy buddy with the boss man but I won't get into the dynamics of that kind of relationship in this posting.

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