- McDonald's -

Re: complaints

Posted by: Larry ( FIN ) on January 07, 1998 at 13:34:23:

In Reply to: complaints posted by Gill on January 05, 1998 at 13:35:47:

: I am compiling a list of up to date complaints re McDonald's fast food chain. I would be interested to hear from anyone with relevant info starting with Jan 1st 1998. I have recently had three reasons to be dissatisfied at a local branch and am not happy. Please let me know your stories.

Even if McDonald's is an international food chain, it doesnt mean that every flaw what some mcd in us has a mcd in uk would have. McD is a franchise company which means that most of the restaurants are held by local owners, in example we've in finland over 60% of the restaurants are owned by local owners, that means that they're local companies just like some small shops.
Besides, if you've something to complain about McD, go to the local restaurant, im sure that you'll be heard and the problems will be dealed, atleast thats the way in our town, i've worked now nearly two years at mcd and everytime a customer complains about service he or she had the problem will be dealt stricly. Im sure this goes for your town too.

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