- McDonald's -


Posted by: James Waytenick ( USA ) on October 31, 1997 at 10:18:31:

In Reply to: McDonalds Should Not Be Sued posted by GEORGE on June 30, 1997 at 01:36:14:

To even associate any form of the word "health" with McDonalds as you, George, referred to it as the "cleanist and healthist" is so wrong. I think you need to check out the REAL FACTS about what it is that McDonalds is doing to not only you but the entire world.

They continue to promote their food as "nutritious," but in all reality it is JUNK food that is super high in fat, sugar, and salt, andlow in vitamins and fiber. Eating this type of food is linked with greater risks of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and a whole lot of other diseases. In today's world where obesity is such a problem, to even promote this kind of food (and that goes for every other fast food place as well) is like the tobacco industry promoting cigarettes. IT'S WRONG!

McDonalds continues to expoit their workers through low wages and no overtime for working long hours. And due to the presurres of keeping profits high and wage costs low, understaffing is the result. Which means employees have to work harder and faster often resulting in accidents, such as burns.

They also continue to promote the eating of red meat which wastes more and more resources. Seven million tons of grain produces 1 million tons of meat and by-products.

Forests throughout the world continue to be destroyed at an appauling rate, which is vital for all life. And last but not in the very least--chickens are crammed into sheds, with 6 inch by 9 inches of area for each bird and never having access to daylight. Almost half of these chickens have leg abnormalities and are regularly dose with antibiotics. YUM! YUM! Right? If you're not buying free range chicken, then DON'T buy it!

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