- McDonald's -

the condom one is genuine

Posted by: Gideon Hallett ( n/a, UK ) on September 26, 1997 at 11:01:03:

In Reply to: Re: foreign objects posted by dee isner on September 24, 1997 at 19:11:07:

: : Has anybody heard a news report about a condom found in an hamburger? So far, several people told me about it, but I cannot find the news source or any other reference. Thanks.

: Sorry, no condom's verified. This is an "Urban Legend" (see urban legends") that circulates through every city.

Sorry, Dee, this one is genuine. It went round the McSpotlight mailing list in mid-August (the list you can subscribe to from the site) and I read it and discarded it (as I didn't know it would come up again). It was also mentioned by David Letterman on his 22/8/97 this address

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