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About all this mess

Posted by: Quincunx on October 19, 1997 at 18:16:16:

In Reply to: About the impersonator posted by McSpotlight on October 17, 1997 at 22:10:00:

> We have replied to your private e-mails - IN PRIVATE. The role of McSpotlight
> is not to HAVE to filter all mailings for identity etc, whoever is 'guilty' of
> impersonating another mailer to this DR is contributing very little to this
> board but the board should be able to navigate their sad attempts at humour -
> it is the content of messages that are the structures of your arguments not
> your name, however it is annoying and unfortunate that it has happened. More
> importantly is that this episode is making it patently obvious that this
> impersonator is incapable of either making, participating in or winning any
> form of discussion.

I can agree with that and the more we keep talking about it the crazier this all going to be.

> As to deleting the fake posting - this isn't really worthwhile since it is now
> obvious to all that it is fake. The message has a new validity and identity
> since we all know it is not you. It would be abhorrant to have to wipe out ANY
> entry once accepted - just another form of censorship would be the cry.

It's a crazy world and as long as anyone posts here they take their chances.

> If you have any further thoughts on this post (in private again - we WILL
> reply!) to

No, I'm alright for now.But I wouldn't be surprised to see it become a trend through out the Internet.

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